From production site to final delivery, Winddle now offers an accurate carbon impact calculator for supplier flows

Winddle unveils a new add-on of its collaborative supply chain management platform : Carbon Impact Tracking. This add-on automates the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions for each supplier delivery monitored on the platform, from the supplier site to the final delivery point through its precise transportation plan. The development of this new functionality enables customers to easily evaluate their global supply chain carbon impact, and precisely analyze it according to sourcing scheme and products categories.
Evaluating the carbon footprint of transport flows is no longer an option: it is now crucial for any organization to precisely evaluate the environmental impact of its supply chain. To accurately calculate these carbon emissions, reliable and structured information on the operational supply chain monitoring are prerequisites. As its web-platform supports supply teams in their daily operations follow-up and optimization, it was quite obvious for Winddle to go further in its approach and efficiently support its customers to drive environmentally friendly logistics. The add-on Carbon Impact Tracking enables purchasing and supply teams to align their activity and process with their CSR departments’ objectives, providing them with precise and automated carbon footprint calculation.

“So far, the information needed to calculate the carbon footprint was processed manually, without taking full advantage of the supply chain digitization provided by the Winddle web-platform. Capitalizing on the monitoring processes already established with partners, allows us to go further in the accuracy of our impact calculations and to better manage our actions.” explains Elleore Bomstein, CSR Manager at Sézane.
To develop this new feature, Winddle worked hand in hand with an expert player, EcotransIT World, in compliance with European standard EN16258 and the GHG protocol (Corporate Standard).
“EcotransIT is an international reference in terms of methodology and its flexible approach has totally convinced us. The advantage of their method is the ability to adapt the granularity of the calculations according to the level of information available for each given transportation leg and to rely on reliable standard indicators when operators on the ground can not precisely communicate the information. In this way, users are sure to get the highest precision in their analysis, whatever the transport scheme or the level of information they are able to provide. This approach of expertise and scalability is in line with the Winddle DNA”. explains Emila Jevakhoff, CEO of Winddle.
The new Carbon Impact Tracking feature enables freight forwarders to directly provide through the platform enriched information about the transportation conditions. This data is automatically combined with the detailed post and pre-transit routes of each supplier delivery captured in Winddle, to calculate, thanks to the Ecotransit’s methodology, carbon impacts from the manufacturing site to the final delivery place.
Fully integrated with the core Winddle features, this Carbon Impact Tracking add-on also brings new statistics analysis potential to the supply chain and CSR teams. New reports can be created very easily to analyze and compare: the average carbon impact per route, supplier… of course, but also per product category, article, season or any other relevant dimension of analysis.
“This new Carbon Tracking add-on enables to foster the CSR collaboration between Customers and their Supply partners through the sharing and availability of information to drive and enhance the Supply Chain strategy. The analytical dimension, natively integrated into the solution, provides visibility on the carbon impact per supplier, product category or any other indicators, for a more accurate and profitable level of information’s granularity than simply analyzing the impact of a flow.” concludes Emilia Jevakhoff.